Iowa LEND is Now Recruiting!
The Iowa Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (ILEND)
program is now recruiting for the 2024-2025 academic year. LEND is an interdisciplinary
training program dedicated to improving the health of people with disabilities across the
lifespan. Participation in the yearlong program prepares trainees from diverse healthcare,
educational, family, self-advocacy, and community disciplines to assume leadership roles
in their respective fields.
Do you know a self-advocate, parent/caregiver, or a graduate student, who might be
interested in this opportunity? Graduate level disciplines include, but are not limited to,
audiology, community, education, health administration, nursing, medicine, physical therapy,
psychology, psychiatry, public health, speech-language pathology, and social work.
Please share these links for the 2024-2025 recruitment letter and program flyer with anyone you
think might be a good candidate for the ILEND program.
For more information about the program:
Visit the Iowa LEND website:
Watch this video to hear from the Iowa LEND Project Director and alumni:
Information Session:
January 28, 2025 6:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 978 7859 9238
To apply to Iowa LEND, visit the Apply/Contact Us page: Applications are due February 14, 2025.
Direct any questions about the program or the application process to Julie Temple, ILEND Interdisciplinary Training Coordinator: